
I am an assistant professor in the Department of electrical engineering at IIT Dharwad. I am interested in conducting fundamental research in inference, machine learning and communication. I mainly work in the area of caching in cellular networks, federated learning, bilevel optimization, online optimization/learning, distributed stochastic optimization, and signal processing for communication problems. If you are interested in any of the above, please drop me an email (bharathbn AT iitdh DOT ac DOT in.).

I am interested in hosting undergraduates for internships. I have a few success stories regarding publishing serious research papers with undergraduate students. If you are an undergraduate student with a strong inclination towards mathematics and would like to work with me, please drop in an email describing your interest and a short CV to bharathbn AT iitdh DOT ac DOT in.

If you have Msc in mathematics or equivalent, and is interested in working with me in theoretical machine learning or optimization theory, please send me an email along with your CV.

Research Interests

Machine learning, statistics, signal processing, online learning, distributed optimization, federated learning, and wireless communication/networks.


Two papers from my group got accepted at ICASSP $2025$. Congratulations to Sumit Sah (PhD student) and Tanvi S. Nayak ($3$rd year B. Tech student in computer science)!

Shruti’s paper on Federated learning got accepted at TMLR. Congratulations!

Delivered a talk at IIT Bombay on May 24th, 2024. Title: “Generalization of FedAvg Under Constrained Polyak-Lojasiewicz Conditions: A Single Hidden Layer Neural Network (NN) Analysis”, joint work with Sumit, Shruti and Prashant Khanduri.

Gave an invited talk at NCC 2024 on Federated Learning (work done by Shruti).


Shruti (PhD student): Best Student Paper award finalist at Asilomar 2023!

My former undergraduate project student Anuroop got the prestigious J. R. Tata Endowment Scholarship. Congratulations Anuroop!

Attended AISS at IIIT Delhi in July 2023, and enjoyed discussing federated learning with experts. Gave a series of three tutorial-style lectures.